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Norwegian Air Shuttle

In this group project, we have taken as our starting point the brief from Norwegian Air Shuttle (Norwegian) and used the co-creation methods ethnography , netnography and digital online community to develop two creative solution proposals. The solution proposals have been developed with the intention of creating value for customers, strengthening the positive experiences and differentiating Norwegian from its competitors.


The results we arrived at are based on documented observations, reflections and feedback from Norwegian's customers. Here is an excerpt of the complete report and the solution proposals we arrived at. 

Subject: CCR3100 Co-Creation  Semester: Autumn 2021.  Form: Folder exam group 2-5  Collaboration: Norwegian Air Shuttle 
* Anna Gabriella Horne, Sunniva Sørensen, Nikolai Vesterskov Petersen, Snorre Frøyland

Ethnography in action 

Considering the practical limitation that we did not have access to all parts of Norwegian's customer journey, we initially chose to focus on customers' needs, expectations and experiences before and after the flight with Norwegian. To capture what influenced customers' behavior in the various parts of the customer journey, we decided early on to travel to Gardermoen / Oslo Airport.


Here we had the opportunity to both observe and talk to Norwegian's customers

in a natural, unaffected setting. 

"We pay more to have flexibility, security and predictability on the trip. Therefore we actually prefer to travel with SAS because they are better at it than Norwegian"

Married couple



"Especially now during the corona, we have to help many travelers fill in digital corona forms and various other problems. We experience that many people become very stressed and sad because they did not know that they had to have this in order before they arrive at the airport. The passengers are very relieved and happy when we can help them "

Norwegian employed



"We were a little stressed when we realized that we had to check in our luggage manually, you never know how long such things can take. Especially now in these corona times. 

Family with children, Tønsberg



"Standing at Gardemoen and talking to people who are on the move has been a good learning experience for both meh and the rest of the group members. But also being able to observe and analyze has been a great help to understand the customer in parts of the customer journey. "

Netnography - social media

Netnography is about collecting, observing and analyzing behavior between people on social media. To uncover customers' attitudes towards Norwegian and their services, we visited various tourism sites, social media, discussion forums and sites that ranked Norwegian as an airline.

Key findings

Own Co-creation platform

Netnography is about collecting, observing and analyzing behavior between people on social media. To uncover customers' attitudes towards Norwegian and their services, we visited various tourism sites, social media, discussion forums and sites that ranked Norwegian as an airline.

Løsning 1:
Forebyggende informasjon og kommunikasjon

Fordeler for kunden:

  • Unngår å få ubehagelige overraskelser på flyplassen Mindre stress, frustrasjon og engstelighet

  • Rekker flyets avgangstid

  • Slipper å betale gebyr for å booke om billett på flyplassen Smidigere reise

  • Mestringsfølelse

Meldingen inneholder:

  • Hyggelig hilsen Flight nummer Destinasjon Avgangstid

  • Når du burde møte opp på flyplassen

  • Huskeliste med ting du ha med til reisen

  • Link til ytterlige reiseinformasjon på Norwegian sin nettside

Løsning 2:
En forenklet refusjonsprosess


  1. Kunden mottar varsel fra Norwegian-appen om at flyet er kansellert

  2. Kunden går inn i appen og får valget om å bestille ny billett eller søke om refusjon.

    Her finner kunden relevant informasjon om vedkommendes rettigheter

  3. Kunden trykker på knappen “søk om refusjon” og blir bedt om å fylle inn to felt

  4. Kunden får en bekreftelse på at søknaden er sendt og en tidslinje som illustrerer de resterende delene av prosessen

  5. Etter det har gått en tid vil kunden få beskjed om at søknaden er mottatt og under behandling

  6. Kunden mottar varsel fra Norwegian-appen om at søknaden er ferdigbehandlet og godkjent

Fordeler for kunden:

  • Redusert antall steg kunden må igjennom for å søke om refusjon

  • En prosess som er enkel å følge og forstå

  • Mulighet til å følge status for refusjonskrav uten å måtte kontakte Norwegian sin kundeservice

  • Lettere å finne frem til relevant informasjon om kundens rettigheter

  • Minsker sjansen for at kunden sitter med en følelse av å ikke ha oppgitt nok eller riktig informasjon til Norwegian etter refusjonskravet er sendt inn

  • Bedre forståelse for krav som ikke blir innfridd

For å lese mer om rapporten til trykk her 
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